local function isPatrologiaReference(first, second, third, last) return first.t == 'Emph' and ( ( #first.content == 3 and string.match(first.content[1].text, '^Patrologi[ea]$') and first.content[2].t == 'Space' and first.content[3].t == 'Str' and string.match('|grecque|Graeca|latine|Latina|orientale|orientalis|', '|' .. first.content[3].text .. '|') ) or ( #first.content == 1 and first.content[1].t == 'Str' and string.match('|PG|PL|PO|', '|' .. first.content[1].text .. '|') ) ) and (second.t == 'Str' and string.match(second.c, '^ [0-9]+,$') and third.t == 'Space' and last.t == 'Str' and string.match(last.c, '^col. $')) end function Inlines (inlines) for i = #inlines, 6, -1 do if isPatrologiaReference(inlines[i-3], inlines[i-2], inlines[i-1], inlines[i]) then inlines:remove(i) end end return inlines end