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Émile Gaboriau published [L'Affaire Lerouge in 1866]{#publication}.1

[It was very popular.]{#reception}

See [publication]{.ref} for the publication date. I expressed my thoughts about it in [my-evaluation]{.ref type=pagenote}.

If you want to know more about L'Affaire Lerouge, see [publication>reception]{.ref}.

Here are some precisions.2

I want to refer to a note:

  • How can I refer to a note by its number? → See [refer-to-note]{.ref}.
  • What formats are supported? → See [format]{.ref}.
  • What if the note contains multiple spans with identifiers? → See [which-identifier]{.ref}.
  • What happens if a span in contained in a span? → See [nested-spans]{.ref}.
  • What are the notes? → [my-evaluation;format;refer-to-note]{.ref type=note}
  • Where are the notes? → [my-evaluation;format]{.ref}

  1. It is a very [fine piece of literature]{#my-evaluation}. ↩︎

  2. [Whatever format]{#format} you choose, you can [refer to a note]{#refer-to-note} by the identifier of [any of its spans. You can even [nest spans]{#nested-spans}!]{#which-identifier} ↩︎